110,000 Kent residents sign Revoke Article 50 petition

The online Brexit petition to revoke Article 50 has reached 4.8 million as of this morning Sunday 24 March. Of these 4.8 million people who have signed just over 110,000 of these signatures were from the 17 MP Constituency which make up Kent.

Rosie Duffield Canterbury Constituency had the most signatures with just under 12,000 making up 15% of the 78,212 people eligible to vote in her constituency. Tracy Crouch MP for Chatham & Aylesford had the least with 3667 making up just 5% of the 70, 419 eligible to vote in her constituency. Where does your MP rank?

96% of the signatures were from the UK. The House of Commons petitions committee said: “Anyone who is a UK resident or a British citizen can sign a petition. This includes British citizens living overseas.”

Theresa May ruled out halting the Brexit process when in Brussels on Thursday, telling reporters: “I do not believe that we should be revoking article 50.”

All we know is that we are very tired of the listening to the endless rubbish going on in Parliament, on our TV’s Radio’s and in the newspapers. No doubt you are too.

Two years and nine months after the referendum this Government has so far been unable to deliver a deal. We are sure one will not be delivered by 11 pm on Friday 29th March hence we will not be leaving on the day agreed.

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