Part 1 Lydd Railway Station: A deal, a fire and some lies.

It begins on the 22 Feb 2022. On this date Bentley Parks Group Limited is incorporated and goes live on Companies House. The person of significant control of the company is Mr Keith Alan Forward, who describes his occupation as property management.

On the 5 July 2022, an agreement was signed between Gramm Limited, owned by Raymond George Heasman and Bentley Parks Group Limited owned by Keith Allan Forward. As an aside, Mr. Heasman’s home was up for sale a year or so ago. 

On the 8 Nov 2022, the former Station Yard, Station Road, Lydd, was ravaged by fire. Many locals are convinced the building was torched deliberately, as one commented:

If this was an accident, I’m a monkey’s uncle. Stations don’t just self-combust.”

And the owners “of the buildings at Lydd Station, refused to comment when asked about the fire.

Image KFRS

Kent Fire & Rescue Service have said it was “not possible to confirm whether the fire was deliberate.”

KFRS have informed Network Rail of the incident and a representative did attend. They also informed the Environment Agency, but it is uncommon to inform any other agencies, such as Health & Safety or Environmental Health at the Council.

On the 26 May 2023, a Planning Application Form for the former Station Yard, Station Road, Lydd, Kent, TN29 9LL was received by Folkestone & Hythe District Council. The application is for full planning permission on the 3 acre site (1.23 ha). 

Lydd Railway Station – Google My Maps

This suffered a fire in Nov 22, and a planning application lodged on 26 May 2023 – 23/0814/FH

The proposal is for the siting of twenty six residential park homes, conversion of station building and goods shed to ancillary accommodation, office and shop, landscaping and associated development.

The planning application reference is 23/0814/FH

The applicant is Keith Alan Forward of Bentley Parks Group Ltd.

The agent is Debbie Marriage of DJM Town Planning

And Gramm Limited owned by Raymond George Heasman (pictured). Raymond is also a Director in a vineyard business, along with his wife, daughter, and son in law.

Now one of the strange things about this site is Cllr David Wimble (Ind) has recently stated the following:

I have been involved with the site on behalf of FHDC since May 2019. I probably know more about the site than 95% of your group [Lydd Station Heritage Group].

Are you aware about class 3 site contaminants. I am not talking about the asbestos that was in the station building? The fire took care of that. But the whole site is contaminated and without being taken care of any developer would not get planning.

This is plain wrong as the Council’s own Contaminated Land Policy states:

Category 3 land is unlikely to require remediation because the relevant authority has concluded that there is no significant possibility of significant harm. This includes situations where the authority considers that regulatory intervention under Part 2A is not warranted.

Then Cllr David Wimble (Ind) goes onto say:

For the group to buy the site and open it to the public you would have to deal with the contamination

In 2020 this was estimated at £1.1 million and is the reason the council bailed out.

Cllr Wimble implies the Council were considering buying the site, but what prevented them was the contamination. Yet the two contamination reports on the planning portal, make no reference to any significant contamination. He goes onto comment about the site by saying:

The site would need decontamination work which was not part of the park application
That would be a condition of planning under 14.4 of the application. Realistically that’s £1 million.

Why would the site need decontaminating when it is not considered contaminated under Cat 3 andunlikely to require remediation“.

Cllr Wimble further states:

The station building actually had all the asbestos go up in flames.

But the site is toxic. I have agreed to work with my developer friend and a small group of 4 others who are meeting up.

Will see what the developer says. He has experience of building out sites like this and has already done something similar but on a much bigger scale at Ashford railway works where he is building studios and housing

This last sentence implies the Developer, Cllr Wimble is talking to is Mark Quinn, of Quinn Estates, and further on in his comments he states:

And the group is myself Quinn Estates, Alliance Construction, and Livingstone Homes

So we emailed Quinn Estates and a spokesperson for the company has stated:

Quinn Estates have never spoken to David Wimble, or made any assertions or promises to him or any other, that Quinn Estates were ever interested in the [Lydd station] site, let alone purchasing the site to develop it.”

It would appear that most of what Cllr Wimble has stated can be taken with a pinch of salt.

So that’s Part 1. In Part 2 well look at the planning application – 23/0814/FH in more detail.

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5 Comments on Part 1 Lydd Railway Station: A deal, a fire and some lies.

  1. Ah yes David Wimble, he who stood as an Independent promising this and that who on being elected jumped straight into the arms of the Tories.
    The man lives in a fantasy world. You only need to read the magazine The Looker and his constant tales of what he has personally done for New Romney .
    Never believe a word this individual says, he’s obviously has been watching that great Tom Courtenay film Billy Liar too much .

  2. Proudmarshman // August 7, 2023 at 19:53 // Reply

    It’s interesting that Councillor Wimble showed interest in this Lydd issue, considering he does not represent Lydd, he is New Romney. This railway station site is of a major concern for Lydd town and its community. Councillor Goddard and Councillor Martin were both recently voted to represent Lydd within the Walland & Dengemarsh Ward…….but where are they? We know one lives in Ivychurch and the other allegedly lives in Hastings, is that why they seem to have no interest because whatever the outcome, it will not affect them.
    At the last Heritage Group Meeting not one councillor attended, many attendees and committee members commented on how poorly the community is represented. The railway station and its future (whatever it turns out to be) is of great importance to the Lydd people, maybe someone could explain why they are choosing not to be involved….or is it all too difficult for them! I’ll let you decide that.

  3. He got re-elected though, what does that say about the residents?

    • Be very wary of Cllr A Martin – he is yet another member of the F&H Conservative Association that has sought power through becoming a Councillor – not a power through which he will benefit those he represents – more the power of self-indulgence, needed to further his personal aspirations, which in no way represent the electorate or anyone other than Cllr A Martin himself. The American’s have a term – freeloader and that about sums up Cllr Martin.

  4. Proudmarshman // August 10, 2023 at 16:27 // Reply

    The Marsh has always had strong contingent of Conservative support, going back generations, especially when most workers worked for the landowners of their day, they were expected to follow their lead in voting Conservative.
    People would quote ‘I’ve always voted conservative and always will’.
    My thinking is – stick a blue rosette on a donkey and the conservatives would vote for it, because they vote for the party, not the quality of the individual.

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