Breaking News: Cllr Andy Weatherhead resigns Hythe West seat

Today Cllr Andy Weatherhead (pictured) has resigned from his Hythe West seat; which will cause a byelection at some later point.  This has all come about due to his former membership of The New British Union being exposed by Hope Not Hate. 

Former Cllr Weatherhead says on his Facebook page

I have today – Monday 21st November, emailed Kent County Council with my resignation from my KCC Divisional Seat of Hythe West.

It has become clear to me over this weekend past, that my position as a KCC Councillor was untenable and to continue was not in the best interests of either the residents or KCC itself.

During my time as a County Councillor, I have striven to be effective and support those who need support from me – regardless of their race, creed religion or colour. On my election night, I undertook to represent all – and that is what I have done.

I now pass the challenge to another. I would urge residents not to be drawn into an election for County that has echo of national politics – as simply the two are not the same. The Conservative Group at KCC do genuinely care and represent stable governance at a time of economic worries at both home and abroad. The county of Kent will be facing some significant challenges and in my opinion the only political group at KCC who can meet these challenges effectively, is the Conservative Group.

I have no doubt the opposition parties will promise Hythe West residents the earth, should you provide them with an “anti-conservative” vote – Please Do Not be Fooled…!

Neither the Greens, Lib-Dems or Labour offer the residents of Hythe West anything but opportunist politics. They lied to the residents of Hythe to get their vote over the proposed developments of Princes Parade and Otterpool – clearly stating that only a vote for them would stop both developments – Wrong…! The only thing that has impeded the progress of these developments is the rise in interest rates – a matter well outside the influence of either party.

Indeed, the Greens, Lib-Dem and Labour would like to see the UK re-join the EU and give up what little border control we have left. If that were to happen and we continue to welcome those entering our country illegally, then the 8,000 houses that are hoped for through the development of Otterpool, would be consumed in one hit. We would need in excess of Five Otterpool’s to house the 40,000 plus immigrants we have seen land this year alone…!

Can I say – it has been a pleasure working for you. I am so deeply sorry that my stupid action of ten years ago reflects on the role I have today. I will again state that I have committed no crimes or broken no laws, but completely accept that I should have known better of my actions of yesteryear.

Thank you for giving me your vote in 2021…!

Kindest to all,

Andy Weatherhead
Folkestone & Hythe Resident

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5 Comments on Breaking News: Cllr Andy Weatherhead resigns Hythe West seat

  1. Still a racist at heart reading some of his comments also a vote for Labour, Greens or Lib Dem’s will ensure Otterpool doesn’t go through … much to Monks annoyance .
    I do like the bit about the Tories at KCC caring . What a joke . All they care about is greasing each others palms and ensuring their pay rises keep coming .

  2. Good, Hythe does not need slime like this.

  3. One thing is certain . A vote for Tories won’t stop Otterpool but an anti Momk one stands a chance.. .Give it a try everyone

  4. Does Monk still have, what appeared to be, a puzzle game obsession?

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